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"Immigrant, American, Survivor is [a children's book] filled with stories of courage, determination and personal fortitude which would be a great learning tool for children of all ages. William Jimeno is a true hero and an inspiration to all.”
— John Franco, former New York Mets Captain and
Lefthanded Major League Baseball Saves Leader
Big City Oyster is a brand-new children’s book that shows just how oysters live and grow in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty and the New York City Skyline, and the important role they play in our environment. Packed with easy-to-understand facts, beautiful illustrations, and colorful bonus pages, Big City Oyster delivers on its promise to entertain and educate. Filmmaker, writer, and illustrator Charles Ricciardi teams up with naturalist, entrepreneur, and investor Murray Fisher (who is also the co-founder of the Billion Oyster Project) to bring this important and engaging story to life. LEARN MORE
“Big City Oyster is an informative and colorful learning tool, and a call to action for both young and old alike.”
— Britta Forsberg, Executive Director, Save Barnegat Bay